Adventures in illustration

December 13, 2021  •  Leave a Comment


We've been busy in Plastiqueville lately, creating illustrations for Trapped, a novel by Seneca Blue, soon to be published by Parisian Phoenix Publishing, the new publishing venture from Angel Ackerman and Gayle Hendricks.  In fact, Gayle has written a blog post about the project, with more pictures, and we're pretty excited about it (and flattered, too).

Over the years, first as a writer and now as a storytelling photographer, I have always enjoyed creative prompts.  Give me an idea and I promise you that I will run with it.  So when the folks at Parisian Phoenix provided me with a list of scenes from Trapped that required photos, I dug right in.  The photo above is from a pet adoption event, held at a local mall.  (The mall itself, constructed from plastic bottles and washi tape, is featured in a previous post here.)  I'm trying not to think too far ahead in the list; instead, I gently take each item, one at a time, and think about the best way to portray it.  Some are easier than others.  Next on the list - the aftermath of an explosion at a turkey farm.  And then a visiting bear wandering through a suburban neighborhood.  And a grease fire in a kitchen.  And sex in a barn...

As you can see, we have our work cut out for us.

By the way, as 2021 spins slowly to a close, we look ahead to further fun in Plastiqueville.  I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the occasional lapses in activity around here - life does have a way of throwing those obstacles in one's path.  In 2022, we will try harder.  Which brings up a question:  What would you like to see?  What parts of life in Plastiqueville intrigue you the most?  Inquiring minds would like to know.


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