Other people's unfinished projects

October 08, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Today's yard sale find: a wooden stage coach, with parts for a second. Mr. Tiger Pants was eager to try it out, and found it quite comfortable. I especially like the mandala wheels.

With the arrival of autumn, yard sale season may be winding down - but it only takes one sale to make it all worthwhile.  In Northampton, PA, deep in the land of warehouses under construction, we found ourselves in a cul de sac, facing a driveway filled with random stuff.  Randy actually got out of the car for this sale, and without him, I would have missed this unfinished project, priced at four bucks.  In addition to the coach pictured here, there are enough parts for a second one.  I especially love the wheels, which remind me of my friend Stephanie Smith's mandalas.

And here's my big question - should I paint this?  What color?  Fancy or plain?

In the meantime, the wrestlers climbed on board and cooked up a spooky tale, perfect for the season...

The wagon sat by the side of the road. The horses were long gone. "Kidnapped!" gasped the driver. "Creatures came down from the sky and kidnapped 'em!"

The wagon sat by the side of the road.  The horses were long gone.  "Kidnapped!" gasped the driver.  "Creatures came down from the sky, riding on a big spinning plate, and snatched 'em right up before my very eyes!"

The guys who had come to help exchanged glances.  They'd heard stories like this before, but this one was different.  For one thing, there was a second witness - the old man, the only passenger.  "Never seen anything like it," he growled.  "Never in all my days."  

(We watch too much Ancient Aliens around here...)


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