So you want to live in Plastiqueville...

February 22, 2021  •  Leave a Comment


Who gets to live in Plastiqueville, anyway?  And where do they come from?

The people (and animals) of Plastiqueville come from all over.  Yard sales and flea markets are a primary source.  Toy stores, gift shops - did I mention Tractor Supply?  Friends contribute, too (if it hadn't been for my friend Rhonda, there would be no plumbers in Plastiqueville).

The smaller, the better.  We don't stick to any particular scale; some citizens are about an inch tall, others are 7 inches or more .  We tend to stay away from Disney and other cartoon characters (although Joe Cool, a.k.a. Snoopy, does maintain a residence here - and then there are those wrestlers).  

Which brings me to something we hear all the time, especially when dickering at flea markets...

"But it's a collectible!"  

This is often said to justify a stupidly high price, or the fact that it's hermetically sealed in its original package.  Which is fine if you're a collector - but not around here.  My figures are my tools.  They're actors in an imaginary world - and they can't do that very well if they're still shrink-wrapped.  Also, beware -  they may change their names when they move in.  (It's up to them.)

One day, I would love to make my own little plastic people. Stay tuned...


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